Song No. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Time Net
Voice Arra Harmony Balance Stage Pen- Total
Place Chorus Exp'n 'ment Accuracy & Blend Pres. alty Score
----- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- ---- -----
1 Dundalk, MD 225 220 245 250 238 240 247 238 518 2421
(Chorus of the Chesapeake)
2 Louisville, KY 210 216 227 250 242 260 248 254 506 2413
3 Downey, CA 227 215 206 213 250 242 238 235 489 2315
4 Muskegon, MI 200 214 205 223 232 228 237 243 498 2280
(Port City Chorus)
5 Lombard, IL 210 228 216 226 225 214 232 235 475 2261
(West Towns Chorus)
6 Gloversville-Johnston NY 185 203 213 230 230 236 233 246 477 2253
(Empire Statesmen)
7 London, ONT 214 197 215 231 225 224 233 233 456 2228
(Men Of Accord)
8 Eugene, OR 185 195 215 217 221 222 218 215 458 2146
(Cascade Chorus)
9 St. Joseph, MO 201 197 214 218 224 220 228 217 421 2140
(Pony Expressmen)
10 Knoxville, TN 206 176 237 224 209 193 220 203 472 -5 2135
(Chorus Name unknown)
11 Middleton, OH 194 186 215 212 205 204 212 216 475 2119
(Razor's Edge)
12 Tulsa, OK 191 192 216 215 200 195 204 214 433 2060
(Tulsa Founders Chorus)
13 Genesee, NY 172 210 199 206 196 208 187 199 434 2011
(Chorus of the Genesee)
14 Janesville, WI 188 193 190 193 209 209 204 212 389 1987
(Chorus Name unknown)
15 Miami, FL 157 158 197 196 183 175 186 175 392 1819
(Chorus Name unknown)
Judges: VOICE EXPRESSION: Summers, Carne and Linnehan
ARRANGEMENT: Fruhner, Gentry and Pickard
HARMONY ACCURACY: Loose, Wolf and DePaolis
BALANCE and BLEND: Jones, Fitzgerald and Brock
STAGE PRESENCE: Falls, Chamblin and Linker
SECRETARY: Fahnestock
The scores listed above have been hand-entered by Steve Tremper, who
assumes all responsibility for typo's and other unintentional errors.
When in doubt, please refer to the OFFICIAL published score sheets for
actual scores.
Please contact Steve at with any corrections.